Close the Gap
With full access to the backend administrative control, you are immediately notified of an open shift and can send an alert to available employees instantly. You can also manage your employee’s details, user activity, and more.
Close the Gap
With full access to the backend administrative control, you are immediately notified of an open shift and can send an alert to available employees instantly. You can also manage your employee’s details, user activity, and more.
Unplanned absenteeism
The Absenteeism Effect
This chart shows the reduction in unplanned absenteeism once the ImIn, Inc. app was implemented within a client’s organization. By allowing employees to schedule their work around their lives, companies are able to reduce some of the volatility in employees calling out due to personal reasons.
Plug & Play
Your employees can plan work around their lives, allowing for flexibility and empowerment when making and changing their schedules.
Plug & Play
Your employees can plan work around their lives, allowing for flexibility and empowerment when making and changing their schedules.
Benefits of ImIn
Across 600 agents in 3 different models, deploying the application allowed for a reduction in shrinkage of 49% and helped reclaim 43,000 hours, resulting in 2.5% improvement in revenue in 2022.
- 128 part-time agents enrolled, covering shrinkage for different LOBs
- $804,399 in revenue make up for Jan. and Feb. 2023
Full time pool
- 94 full-time agents converted to flexible schedule via ImIn.
- 89% reduction in unplanned absenteeism: YTD absenteeism for flexible pool is 2% vs 18% for static group
- 31% increase in average worked hours per employee: YTD increased to 241
- 103 agents enrolled in the overtime program via the ImIn App
Real Time Rewards
You can offer reward points for great performance and hours worked, particularly for lower-demand hours like nights and weekends.
Real Time Rewards
You can offer reward points for great performance and hours worked, particularly for lower-demand hours like nights and weekends.